Natural Dry Herbs–Astragalas/HUANG QI(200g)


Meidical Use
Astragalas has a sweet taste and a warm properties and it is use for treating the spleen and lung.
It is used for treating the common cold and upper respiratory infections; to strengthen and regulate the immune system; and to increase the production of blood cells particularly in individuals with chronic degenerative disease or in individuals with cancer undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is also used orally for chronic nephritis and diabetes. Astragalus is also used orally as an antibacterial and antiviral; a tonic; liver protectant; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; and as a diuretic, vasodilator, or hypotensive agent.

*tonify spleen & lung Qi – raises Spleen & Stomach Qi (prolapse)
*tonify Wei Qi – stabilize exterior
*tonify Qi and blood due to loss of blood – postpartum fever
*promotes urination – Edema – discharge of pus – generates flesh

There are many varieties of astragalus. Some are toxic. The varieties used in Chinese herbal medicine is relatively safe but in rare cases it might cause rash.
